Pickled Cabbage

Pickled Cabbage
Technical Specs
Nutrition Informations For 100gr
  • Energy (kj/kcal) 87,5/20,9
  • Fat (g) 0,1
  • - Saturated Fat 0
  • Carbohydrate (g) 4,2
  • -Sugar 2,2
  • Protein (g) 0,9
  • Salt (g) 3,0
Usage Areas

Cabbage has been one of the most popular pickles for centuries. The unique sourness of cabbage during fermentation makes it indispensable. Due to this sourness, pickle juices are usually made from pickled Cabbage and Beetroot. It is usually consumed as a snack to a meal.

Standard Items
Item Number Size Package Number Desc
APU6D1 350 gr Doypack 12 Pcs / Box Private label available
APU6V1 150 gr Vacuum Pack 12 Pcs / Box Private label available
APU6V2 1000 gr Vacuum Pack 12 Pcs / Box Private label available
APU6V3 2500 gr Vacuum Pack 6 Pcs / Box Private label available
APU6J1 370 cc Jar 12 Pcs / Tray Private label available
APU6J2 720 cc Jar 12 Pcs / Tray Private label available
APU6J3 1700 cc Jar 6 Pcs / Tray Private label available
APU6P1 1500 cc Pet 6 Pcs / Tray Private label available
APU6P2 3000 cc Pet 4 Pcs / Tray Private label available
APU6P3 5000 cc Pet 4 Pcs / Tray Private label available
APU6K1 18 kg Pail 1 Piece Private label available
APU6B1 220 lt Barrel 1 Piece Private label available


Production to your needs


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